A2 Desi Cow Ghee 500ml
₹ 1,125.00₹ 900.00


Premium A2 Cow Cultured Ghee | Vedic Bilona Method Two-Way Hand Churned | Grass-fed Indian Desi Cow Ghee | Pure A2 Ghee | Natural & Healthy | Lab Certified | 500ml

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Our A2 desi cow ghee is extracted organically from the Malanad Gidda and Hallikar cows. They are grass-fed and free-grazed, which makes their milk nutritious and wholesome. The cows are reared with the best organic practices and fed organically grown fodder, which is completely free from any chemicals or pesticides, to obtain the best A2 quality milk and the best A2 quality ghee.


The Holstein / Jersey breed of cow was bred in our pursuit of better productivity & cheaper cost since they can produce 25–30 litres30 liters of milk per day. Whereas  A2 desi cow produces only 4–7 litres a day. As the A2 desi cow gives less milk, its rich in nutritional value, and it takes approximately 25 litres of milk to prepare 1kg of A2 ghee. One litre of A2 desi cow milk is also sold at a higher price. Secondly, the reason for its high price is also because these cows produce less milk because it's pure organic.

Difference : 


1. A2 ghee is made from A2 milk, which comes from desi cows (never mutated), e.g., Hallikar, Malnad Gidda, Gir, etc.

2. A2 milk contains a2 beta-casein protein, similar to the one found in human breast milk. Hence, it is nutritional.

3. Costlier, as the milking capacity of desi cows is smaller than that of crossbred cows.

4. Prepared from a 5000-year-old Vedic Bilona method. Converting milk into curd and butter, Then the butter is heated to make pure desi ghee.

5. Natural golden color

6. Rich and nutty flavor

7. The presence of butyric acid helps to improve gut health.

8. Beta-carotene helps to improve eye health and vision.

9. Reduce bad cholesterol.

10. Omega-9 fatty acid increases healing ability.

11. Omega 6 present in it helps to reduce belly fat.

12. Possesses medicinal properties.


1. A1 ghee is made from A1 milk, which comes from genetically modified or cross breed, e.g., Jersey, Holstein, Guernsey cow, etc.

2. A1 milk contains A1 beta-casein protein. Which is known to cause problems like heart disease, type 1 diabetes and gastrointestinal dysfunction, greater lactose intolerance, and also neurological disorders in children.

3. Cheaper, as the milking capacity of crossbreed cows is greater than that of desi cows.

4. Prepared by heating whole cream milk

5. Added yellow color

6. Bland in taste.

7. Butyric acid is negligible.

8. Beta-carotene is absent.

9. Increase bad cholesterol

10. Omega 9 is absent.

11. Omega 6 is absent.

12. No medicinal property


You become what you eat and what you think. So let’s get back to the basics, where food is your medicine...

• Balances Vaata, Pitta, and Kapha

• Ghee is considered "Satvik food" in Ayurveda.

• Suitable for "Udhan Vayu" and "Pran Vayu"

• In facial paralysis, in the nostrils through "Nasya Karma"

• It increases Ojas, makes all the organs soft, and slows down the ageing process.

• Allergic toner

• Improves Sperm Count

• Keeps constipation at bay

• Increases Dhi (intelligence), refines the Buddhi (intellect), and improves the Smrti (memory)

• Increases Rasa (the internal juices of the body)

• Use it in an Agnihotra fire, which in turn purifies the air and nearby surroundings.

BABY & MOTHER: (Only after consulting doctor)

• It increases memory power and is good for muscle development.

• Promotes physical and mental growth

• Best for Colds and Coughs

• Improves eye sight

• The best tonic for ears

• Strengthens immunity

• Aids in Digestion

• Eases labor pain

• Boosts metabolism

• Balances your hormones during menstrual cycle & phase of Menopause

• It is very useful for prenatal, pregnancy, and postnatal care.

• Prevents joint and back pain